
楼主 |
发表于 2020-4-27 19:15:01
我用同样的SWITCH来搞, 但是显示错误: 帮忙解决一下::
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
void days31();
void days();
int main () {
//declare and initialise variables
int month = 1;
//obtian the month in list
cout<<"\n\n January (1)";
cout<<"\n\n February (2)";
cout<<"\n\n March (3)";
cout<<"\n\n April (4)";
cout<<"\n\n May (5)";
cout<<"\n\n June (6)";
cout<<"\n\n July (7)";
cout<<"\n\n August (8)";
cout<<"\n\n September (9)";
cout<<"\n\n October (10)";
cout<<"\n\n November (11)";
cout<<"\n\n December (12)";
cout<<"\n Please select the month: ";
//user input a month
switch (month){
//in those cases the days will be display 31 days
case 1: case 3: case 5:
case 7: case 8: case 10:
case 12:
//in this case the days will be display 28 days
case 2:
cout<<"\n 28"; //days28();
//in those cases the days will be display 30 days
case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:
cout<<"\n 30";//days30();
//other input will be show a error message
cout<<"\n error messages!!! it is not correct input, please try again";
getch ();
return 0;
//this function will display 31 days in "days31"function
void days31() {
//obtian and initialise variables
int day=1;
int maxrow=6;
int maxcol=6;
int date=0;
//obtain the sharp of calendar from Sun to Sat
cout <<"\n 1. Sunday";
cout <<"\n 2. Monday";
cout <<"\n 3. Tuesday";
cout <<"\n 4. Wednsday";
cout <<"\n 5. Thusday";
cout <<"\n 6. Friday";
cout <<"\n 7. Saturday";
//user input the day
cout<<" \n\n Please Insert the day you wanted: ";
days(); //display the dates from Sun to Sat
if (date > 0 && date <= 7){
for (int row = 1; row <= maxrow && day <= 31; row++)
for (int col = 0; col <= maxcol && day <= 31; col++)
if (day <=31) {//month have 31 day
cout <<setw(6) <<day++;//print out the number from 1 - 31 by 6 spaces
else {
cout <<"\n\nError!!!! Please try again";
void days() {
cout <<setw(6) << "Sun";
cout <<setw(6) << "Mon";
cout <<setw(6) << "Tue";
cout <<setw(6) << "Wed";
cout <<setw(6) << "Thu";
cout <<setw(6) << "Fri";
cout <<setw(6) << "Sat";
} |