发表于 2020-8-17 13:30:01
请看 MSDN 文档资料,WSAGetLastError()返回值为0 并不意味着所请求的地址一定有对应的 host name,如果 WSAGetLastError() == 11001,则表明没有host name, 所以有访问违例.
请看 msdn example code:
// Declare and initialize variables
hostent* remoteHost;
char* host_name;
unsigned int addr;
// User inputs name of host
printf("Input name of host: ");
host_name = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char*)*16);
fgets(host_name, 16, stdin);
// If the user input is an alpha name for the host, use gethostbyname()
// If not, get host by addr (assume IPv4)
if (isalpha(host_name[0])) { /* host address is a name */
host_name[strlen(host_name)-1] = '\0'; /* NULL TERMINATED */
remoteHost = gethostbyname(host_name);
else {
addr = inet_addr(host_name);
remoteHost = gethostbyaddr((char *) &addr, 4, AF_INET);
if (WSAGetLastError() != 0) {
if (WSAGetLastError() == 11001)
printf("Host not found...\nExiting.\n");
printf("error#:%ld\n", WSAGetLastError());
// The remoteHost structure can now be used to
// access information about the host